
Is your mindset Preventing you from Reaching your goals?

It's OK to feel fear, doubt, and confusion!

I can Help you to Find ways to get back to hope, confidence and clarity!

Ready to start a virtual presentation

My most recent business was 12 years old when I decided to try something new. After five years I decided I really preferred self-employment and launched a new company. Even though I knew this is what I wanted, even though I had created successful businesses in the past, I still found it difficult to move forward with creating my business. 

What was worse was that I had no idea what would fix it.

Not long after, I came across a masterclass that promised to help me to become successful at whatever I wanted to do. After attending the class I realized that my issue was not a lack of skill, ideas, or desire, but a failure to believe that I can, will and deserve to have the business of my dreams. 

In short, I lacked a strong and resilient mindset.

One of the things I’ve learned in my own journey is the importance mindset plays in your success and your ability to enjoy the journey from where you are to where you want to be.

That’s why I created my Mindset Think-shops!


What is a Mindset Think-shop?

It’s a combination of things that come together to to help you create and keep a positive mindset.


Mindset is about changing how we think about things. We'll discuss new ideas that will get your mindset moving in the right direction. But ideas are only the first step in making a lasting change in your life.


Changing our outlook involves reflection on how things are and how we want them to be. We allow time during the Think-shops and between our meetings to give you time to pause and reflect.


Building a great mindset is more about applying what you have learned than listening passively. For this reason, each major point includes activities that we will complete together on the calls and assignments for you to do on your own.


There are bound to be questions and uncertainties as you begin to make what you've learned a part of your life. We've created a safe space where you can ask questions and connect with others who are also learning to use the new mindset tools.

Putting into Practice Enhances Learning

The biggest mistake people make when creating a better mindset is thinking they can just read a book, listen to a podcast or watch a video and make a change.

I am here to tell you …

📕 The knowing-doing gap is REAL
👩🏻‍🎓 Real change does NOT happen on the knowing side of the gap
🧘🏻‍♀️It takes the regular application of what you’ve learned to make it a part of your life.
And — I’ll warn you — it doesn’t become permanent with the first try!
That’s why my Mindset Think-shops spend so much time on DOING not only in the time together but also giving you activities to complete on your own after the live event.

Here’s the big picture

My Jump in and DANCE Mindset Think-shops are:
👩‍💻 One part mindset skills discussion
🤔 One part mindset skills application
👩‍🏫 One part business coaching
💕 A whole lot of patience and love
Each month we will cover a different aspect of creating a strong mindset that will help you to become:
🦸‍♀️ More confident
📅 More productive
📈 More successful in growing your business

Is this for you?

The Jump in and DANCE Mindset Think-shops are for you if:
💜 You are open to improving the way you think about things, including your business
💜 You know all about how to create a great mindset and you are struggling with making it a part of your life
💜 You’ve started a business and know mindset is just one of the tools you need for success
💜 Your business is up and running, and you want to find ways to be more productive
💜 You have a business and would love to feel confident doing all the things
💜 You have a great idea for a business and want to make sure you are mentally prepared for the journey
💜 You have started working on your business ideas and feel overwhelmed with figuring out what you need to do next
This is not for you if:
✖ You have an amazing mindset practice that keeps you supported in all you do
✖ Your mindset does not affect your ability to become successful
✖ You do not need mindset skills in your business
✖ You have no desire to have fun building an amazingly strong mindset to help you and your business thrive.

Now for the details!

Each month in the Jump in and DANCE Mindset Think-shops you’ll get a chance to learn a different mindset tool. The Mindset Think-shop will consist of:
🌟 3 hours of live instruction that includes a presentation, open discussion, and activities to help you apply what you’ve learned
🌟 1 hour of Q&A where you can get specific questions answered after you’ve had a chance to try out what you’ve learned on your own
🌟 Resources to help you continue your mindset practice outside of the Think-shop
🌟 Support through the social group and messaging for one month
🌟 Access to the recordings for one month
Ready to start a virtual presentation

A New Topic Each Month

The Mindset Think-shops are held for one hour a day across three days one week with a follow-up Q&A the next week. 

Some of the topics you can expect are:

— Nurturing a Creative Mindset:  We all have creativity inside of us, but we don’t always feel comfortable expressing it. We will explore 5 ways we can nurture a creative mindset so that we have more creative and original ideas when solving problems, completing projects and expressing ourselves to others.

— Creating an Abundance Mindset: If you struggle with attracting money, saving money, or spending money, your money and abundance mindset may need some adjusting. We will explore ways to bring a greater abundance in our lives, feel comfortable accepting payment for our services, and contribute to the flow of energy in our lives.

— Manifesting Your Ideal Client: If you know all the characteristics of your ideal client, but you struggle to find them, let’s find ways we can help them find you! We’ll explore ways we can attract our ideal clients with our offers, words and how we show up online.

What we are learning this month!

Cooking up Success – The Three Key Ingredients

Do you know the three ingredients in the recipe for success?

When following a recipe, there are ingredients, and then is also an order in which the ingredients need to be added to the mix. The ingredients and the order are:

  • Mindset
  • Goals
  • Actions

Join us to learn why this order works, and the best way to ensure your ingredients – your mindset, your goals, and your actions – are of the best quality so that your recipe creates the success you desire.

Cooking Up Success – The Three Key Ingredients

September 13-15,  4:00 – 5:00 pm ET – Training
September 20, 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET – Q&A
Price: $97
Sessions will be recorded and recordings will be available for one month.