Download the Roadmap to

Create a Virtual Business that Empowers you to Live Your Best Life

You want more from life than a two-hour commute and 8-5 hours can give you. You long to once again be creative  — as in creating new things. You want to explore new ideas and have control over your work day. You want to explore your passion while being there for the milestones in the lives of the people you treasure most.

I get it because I’ve been there, too. Creatively Techy was born from my frustration with working in the COVID world. Even though I have had several businesses across 30 years, business in this economy has changed — in many ways for the better!

Get the roadmap to guide you as you create a business and a life you want.

10-Step Roadmap to Creating Your Virtual Business Masterclass

Learn more about each step of the 10-Step Roadmap to Creating a Virtual Business and identify what next steps you can take to start creating your virtual business.

21 Days to Money Mindset Mastery

Have the Roadmap but really struggling with Step 1 - Believe? Learn how to believe that you Can, Will and Deserve to have a successful business by mastering your money mindset.

10-Step Roadmap DANCE to Your Business

During this 5-part program we work our way through the 10-Step Roadmap. Includes weekly live coaching and Q&A . At the end you will be on your way to launching your business.

What can creating a virtual business mean for you?

  • Creating a  business that combines your skills and passions to help others.
  • Creating a lifestyle that allows you the flexibility to work when and where you want.
  •  Creating something that truly reflects who you are and what you value most.
  • Earn more money while making your mark on the world.